Let’s get down and dirty

Let’s get down and dirty and talk about terroir, in particular dirt or soil.  Terroir is a word tossed around flippantly in the wine world without much explanation.  Simply put, it is a reference to the “sense of place” where grapevines grow.  This can include location, weather, altitude, rainfall, fog, proximity to water, angle to the sun or aspect, and many other elements, including soil.  

Apple Podcast Listener? Get down and dirty with us on our Dirt episode!

In this episode, Charisse and Kristi break down the most common soils ideal for vineyards and explain how the differences can influence wine long before harvest, fermentation and bottling.  Geomorphology, climate, flora and fauna as well as traditions can play a part in terroir.  But the one grounding element is the soil.

If you have missed an episode, have no fear! Our archives will get you back in the know!

Join us as we deep dive into the grungy, dirty, dusty topic of soil! 

Apple Podcast link here

Charisse and Kristi

PS: Special thanks to our sponsors:  The Magnolia Wine Bar and Texas Wine Club