Do scores really even matter?

SWTW Season 1, Episode #2: Wine Scores Debunked

Join Charisse and Kristi as they debunk wine scores.   From the 1855 Bordeaux classification to modern day wine ratings by fellow podcasters, two Somms review the ins and outs of scores and what this means to you as a wine enthusiast.  Never a dull moment with these friends and their ability to translate elevated wine knowledge into nerdy wine tips and savvy wine tricks.  Don’t miss the “Find of the Day” and judge for yourself whether our highlighted “Find” should find its way into your wine bar asap!

A special shout out to our fellow podcasters Michelle and Sandy from Wines to Find (WTF) for their 1-5 wine rating system!

Show Sponsors:
The Magnolia in Fort Worth
The Texas Wine Club

Don’t forget to like, comment, share and let us know any topics you’d like us to cover!

Cheers! Charisse and Kristi

A special theme song shout out to our musician, the late, great, Paul Gray with his Swinging Shephard!

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